Helping Hand in Your Community
We would love you to join us on the Village Hall and Recreation Area Charity Committees.
If you want to get involved but don’t want to join a committee we always appreciate extra help; we are looking for anyone who can give a little time to keep our recreation area & village hall clean and tidy, fundraise or organise an event.
If you have some ideas for what you would like to see happen locally contact us.
Join the Friends of Brown Moss
Brown Moss Local Nature Reserve, SSSI and RAMSAR site, is a beautiful place to visit and attracts many people every year. This can put pressure upon the infrastructure, biodiversity and residents of the area.
As the site managers we, within Shropshire Council’s Outdoor Recreation Service, would like to set up a Friends of Brown Moss to enable us to:
- Keep you better informed and ask your opinion on specific matters.
- Work with you to resolve issues before they become problems.
- Organise events, courses and training tailored for you and the site.
- Organise regular work parties in practical conservation management and monitoring.
To find out more about this site visit
If you are interested in joining get further details from:
Country Parks & Sites Officer, Shropshire Council
Contact details
Shropshire BioDiversity – Wildflowers
Many of our common wildflowers are in decline. Roadside verges provide vital corridors for wildlife and many are rich in wildflowers.
Shropshire Council as part of its strategy to protect the countryside and wildlife of Shropshire has a Wildflower Verge Reporting webpage. If you know of roadside verges that are good for wildflowers or have notable plants on them, you can record it here. Once recorded it will be passed on to the highways team who will adjust their mowing regime accordingly, where safe to do so.
Help to protect Biodiversity in Shropshire, National Plant Monitoring Scheme – Find a square