Each year in September we invite everyone to submit photographs to our Photographic Exhibition. The pictures are of people, places or events taken in and around the Villages. You are invited to vote for your favourite pictures to appear on our calendar the following year.
Any profit from the sale of this calendar is used towards village hall funds and for community projects within the villages.
The copyright of each of the photographs remains with the photographer.
(Click on the thumbnails to view the photographs for each calendar)
Calendar 2018
The photographs chosen for 'Ash Routes' calendar this year were taken by Richard Charmley, Gloria Dodd, Jackie Evans, Chris Gittins, Bill Grosset, Lynda McCormack & Roger Thornhill
Calendar 2017
Congratulations to those photographers whose pictures were chosen for our 2017 calendar. In true 'strictly' order (no particular/alphabetical) they are Jackie Evans, Chris Gittins, Judith Griffin, Ailsa Mair, Lynda McCormack & Roger Thornhill.
Calendar 2016
Our photographic exhibition "Ash Villages' and Village Life" happened on 26th September to 4th October 2015, thank you to all our exhibitors and voters. The photographs chosen were taken by John Dodd, Pam Dodd, Chris Gittins, Bill Grosset, Lynda McCormack and Judith Smyth.
Calendar 2015
Our exhibition took place in 2014 and being the year of the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the Great War, our calendar takes a nostalgic look at the Village Past and Present. Thank you to Pam Dodd for supplying the archive photographs. The new pictures are taken by Shirley Desmond, Gloria and John Dodd, Pam Dodd, Tony Hunter and Lynda McCormack.
Calendar 2014
The pictures for our calendar this year were chosen from three categories, Villagescape, Ash in Action and Flora & Fauna. The photos chosen were taken by Christina Birch, Gloria Dodd, Pam Dodd, Chris Gittins, Tony Hunter and Lynda McCormack.
Calendar 2013
We had 99 entries for the exhibition, a thank you to all those who submitted their photos to public scrutiny, and thank you to all those who came along and voted. It was a difficult choice as we had many 'photo's from the excellent events in 2012, the year of Queen Elizabeth's Diamond Jubilee. The pictures on this years calendar were taken by Pam Dodd, Chris Gittins, Judith Griffin, Sue Hunter, Lynda McCormack and Sue Taylor