Dear friends,
Following guidance from the Church of England, we have made the difficult decision to cancel all church meetings and services in the AMICA Benefice until further notice. This includes the Calverhall PCC meeting tonight, and our Mothering Sunday services this weekend, and we are very sorry for any sadness or disappointment this causes.
All of our Churchyards, and some of our Churches, will still be open daily for prayer and reflection, and we would encourage you to make use of them. We are also encouraging people to join us in praying wherever you are at 9am and 9pm each day.
I know that these are anxious times, but your church has been here to support you through plagues and famines, World Wars and Civil Wars and we will be here for you through this! Please be assured of our prayers for all our communities, and if there is anything (practical or spiritual) that we can help with please don’t hesitate to contact Rev’d Rich on (01630) 639576 or
At Pat Davies’ funeral yesterday I read these words which I think are very appropriate for us at the moment:
I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year:
“Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown”
And he replied:
“Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God,
That shall be better to you than light, and safer than a known way”
Yours in Christ, Rich
Rev’d. Rich Clarkson
Rector of the AMICA Benefice
(Adderley, Moreton Say, Ightfield, Calverhall and Ash)