Connecting Shropshire has confirmed that the works currently in Ash Magna are part of the Phase 2 rollout of fibre broadband. Openreach will be installing a number of cabinets along the Ash/Whitchurch Road during November with the intention that fibre broadband will be up and running within 6 months. We are awaiting more detailed information regarding a schedule and timescale from Openreach.*
*Click here for installation location map and dates.
Some of you may be accepting the recent offer of fixed wireless access in the area. Connecting Shropshire is not permitted to offer BDUK subsidy to any property within their “In Scope” area and who will benefit from the phase 2 rollout. However, if you are an outlying property and believe that you will not benefit – i.e. that you may be too far away from the new cabinets and wish to install fixed wireless access – you may still be able to get the subsidy. If you are unsure either complete the online form by the end of December** and they will assess your application, or contact Connecting Shropshire or your preferred provider for further information.
**Note: BDUK subsidies are only available until the end of December 2017 and applications can be made online with Connecting Shropshire.