Many of our common wildflowers are in decline. Roadside verges provide vital corridors for wildlife and many are rich in wildflowers.
Shropshire Council as part of its strategy to protect the countryside and wildlife of Shropshire has a Wildflower Verge Reporting webpage. If you know of roadside verges that are good for wildflowers or have notable plants on them, you can record it here. Once recorded it will be passed on to the highways team who will adjust their mowing regime accordingly, where safe to do so.
Help to protect Biodiversity in Shropshire, National Plant Monitoring Scheme – Find a square
For 2017/18 Shropshire Council are supporting tree planting in Shropshire by offering community groups and landowners of freely accessible land the opportunity to apply for a limited number of free trees. The scheme operates on a first come first served basis. To find out more click here.
Enjoy the Countryside – Protect Your Natural Environment – Take Your Litter Home!