Mums and Toddlers

thumbnail (1)Aims:

  • To bring together the new and growing number of families who have very young children.
  • To give opportunities for the children to learn to socialise with others.
  • To hopefully allow the children to make friendships which will last a lifetime.
  • Similarly, their parents.

Ash Village Hall
2:00 pm – 3.30 pm Monday and Thursday
(Initially, throughout August – trial period)

For the trial period we are asking for donations to cover the rent for the hall. Any donations of suitable toys would always be very welcome.

Toddlers must bring a parent/ grandparent/guardian with them who will remain responsible for them at all times. In line with recommendations, we will not be providing sugary drinks or snacks. Covid protections will be the responsibility of individual parents but organisers will endeavour to keep everything as sanitised as possible.

August 2021 is being looked upon as a trial period, at the end of which everything can be reviewed, ie location, days, times, costs, personnel involved etc and the group can look to becoming formalised if the need is there.