Thank you so much to all those villagers who have offered help to vulnerable persons and those self isolating, the response has been fantastic. Our coordinator has been liaising with local surgeries and pharmacies to ensure that we are able to collect prescriptions when needed. We have an extensive list of volunteers but would still like more young people if you are available to help. Please contact us at
Author Archives: admin
A Message from Rev’d Rich
Dear friends,
Following guidance from the Church of England, we have made the difficult decision to cancel all church meetings and services in the AMICA Benefice until further notice. This includes the Calverhall PCC meeting tonight, and our Mothering Sunday services this weekend, and we are very sorry for any sadness or disappointment this causes.
All of our Churchyards, and some of our Churches, will still be open daily for prayer and reflection, and we would encourage you to make use of them. We are also encouraging people to join us in praying wherever you are at 9am and 9pm each day.
I know that these are anxious times, but your church has been here to support you through plagues and famines, World Wars and Civil Wars and we will be here for you through this! Please be assured of our prayers for all our communities, and if there is anything (practical or spiritual) that we can help with please don’t hesitate to contact Rev’d Rich on (01630) 639576 or
At Pat Davies’ funeral yesterday I read these words which I think are very appropriate for us at the moment:
I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year:
“Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown”
And he replied:
“Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God,
That shall be better to you than light, and safer than a known way”
Yours in Christ, Rich
Rev’d. Rich Clarkson
Rector of the AMICA Benefice
(Adderley, Moreton Say, Ightfield, Calverhall and Ash)
Ash Covid-19 help group
The last few weeks have been a bit alarming for us all with high winds and floods to deal with and now Coronavirus. If you are concerned about your, or a relatives health, and you think you or your relative may be affected, please visit for up to date local information and what to do. There is a wealth of information on this link for the public, schools, businesses and social care.
Shropshire Council’s Community Reassurance Team is providing advice and support including working with local groups and organisations to offer help to vulnerable residents and access to the Food Hub. If you need support or know someone else who does, you can call the dedicated helpline: 0345 678 9028 or email:
For more information :
Please look out for your friends and neighbours and let them know if you are willing to help them. Residents of Ash are concerned that anyone in our village who is affected may be isolated but we would like to think not forgotten. A number of thoughtful folk have offered assistance to those self –isolating to collect shopping, pick up prescriptions, post a parcel or even just take the dog for a walk. If you are struggling let us know and we will try and connect you to a willing helper.
We will not pass on personal details of anyone who contacts us unless you have given specific consent for us to do so. If you are contacting us on behalf of someone else, please make sure you have their consent before providing any personal details to us.
If you are happy to volunteer, please let us know; a name, contact details and a postcode would be helpful so that we can better connect our neighbours. We will not pass on your personal details without your consent and unless and until there is a person in need.
We urge everyone to take care of their own personal safety. Please don’t hand over cash, data or precious items unless you know and trust the person you are dealing with. In Ash we will do our best to help each other but Ash Villages cannot be responsible for mishaps or missing items.
Ash Villages Calendar
Each year in September we invite everyone to submit photographs to our Photographic Exhibition. The pictures are of people, places or events taken in and around the Villages. By popular vote the photographers chosen for the 2019 calendar are Pam Dodd, Jackie Evans, Chris Gittins, Judith Griffin, Judith Smythe, Jan Thornhill and Roger Thornhill,
Any profit from the sale of this calendar is used towards village hall funds and associated charitable community projects within the villages.
The copyright of each of the photographs remains with the photographer.
GP Appointments – Evenings & Weekends
Local GP practices are working together to offer patients more access to appointments, in the early evenings and weekends, from Monday, 1 October, 2018.
In Shropshire, local practices will work together in a network of ‘hubs’ to provide this Extended Access service. This will ensure patients can access appointments at a nearby practice in their local area – the practices will take turns on a rota basis and patients will be advised about location at time of booking, so they can make an informed choice.
The pre-bookable appointments will be available between:
- Weekday evenings (Monday to Friday) between 6.30pm and 8pm (at a local area hub)
- Saturdays between 8am and 1pm (at a local area hub)
- Sundays and bank holidays between 8.30am and 12.30pm (at a single site in central Shrewsbury)
Arranging a pre-bookable evening, weekend or bank holiday appointment is easy to do – patients simply need to contact their practice (who they are currently registered with), during normal opening hours, and speak to the practice receptionist or a member of the practice team who will be able to help. Appointments may not be with your registered GP but will be with a GP or other qualified healthcare professional.
Information to help patients understand more about Extended Access is available on the NHS England website, visit
Your Fibre Broadband Update – August 2018
Cabinet 21 on Ash Road at the junction with Sunnybank is now live and accepting orders. Lucky people now connected to this cabinet should have access to an enhanced service.
Cabinets 22 (near Somervilles Christmas Trees) and Cabinet 23 (on Ash Road opposite the junction for Brown Moss/Edgeley); both required a wayleave for the power connection. The wayleave has now been agreed and the cabinets expected to be connected by 22nd October. Final testing before going live will be 6 weeks so, assuming no issues during the final stage, these two cabinets are expected to go live in mid-December. Just in time for your Christmas live streaming!
To check which cabinet you are linked to click here then enter your landline telephone number
Road Closures – July 2018
Road Closure: Ash Road, Near Ash Magna
Start Date: 9th July 2018
End Date: 13th July 2018
Purpose: Installation of power ducts and cables
Works Promoter: BT
Diversion route along Whitchurch bypass – A525/Whitchurch to Nantwich Road and Church Lane
Traffic Controlled roadworks – Junction Church Lane, Ash Magna
Date: 16th July
Purpose: Dig Power Holes
Works Promoter: BT
Road Closure: Ash House Farm to Lea Hall, Ash Parva
Start Date: 23rd July 2018
End Date: 24th July 2018
Purpose: Road Closure – Locate and excavate 1 blockage in existing duct, locate and excavate 1 subsequent blockage in existing duct
Works Promoter: BT
Diversion route along Whitchurch bypass – A525/Whitchurch to Nantwich Road and Burleydam Road
Your Fibre Broadband Update
Cabinets – Whitchurch 21 & Whitchurch 22
We are here:-
Openreach has informed us that cabinet 21 (the new cabinet in Ash Magna) is currently connected to the copper network working on the fibre spine and power connection. There are further engineering works to be done (the connection stage), followed by testing and assurance (activation stage) to be completed before hand over to the service providers. As things stand if everything goes according to plan, the engineering works will be complete towards the end of the summer with testing and handover expected in the autumn (Oct-Nov).
You may all be disappointed that fibre broadband will not now be available to you before the autumn months however Openreach has said if there is an opportunity to improve on these dates they will.
For the eagle eyed among you who have spotted you are now linked to cabinet no. 22 (near Somervilles) rather than 21, the position is similar to cabinet 21 but also requires a road closure and a private wayleave agreement. Hopefully the wayleave will be agreed quickly and activation of Whitchurch 22 will follow soon after Whitchurch 21.
To check the status at your property, go to
and enter your landline number.
(you will find the landline number gives a more accurate picture than the property address)
Road Closure – Ash Magna to Ightfield- May 2018
Road Closure: Ash Road, between Ash Magna & Ightfield
Start Date: 14th May 2018
End Date: 15th May 2018
Purpose: Road closure for blockages and cabling Phase one
Works Promoter: BT
Enforcement pattern for Ash Road, between Ash Magna and Ightfield: Mon – Tues 08:00 – 6:00
Diversion Route Details
Road Closure : Ash Parva to Ightfield
Start Date: 16th May 2018
End Date: 16th May 2018
Purpose: Road closure for route proving and cabling, Phase two.
Works Promoter: BT
Enforcement pattern for Ash Parva to Ightfield:Wednesday 08:00 – 16:00
We are here – your fibre broadband update
The new fibre enabled cabinets have been installed however there is still a considerable amount of work required to connect the Ash cabinet (no21) to a power supply and the fibre network.
Following the works in March to install new tubing that carries the fibre cable into existing service ducts Openreach require a further road closure to enable them to install the fibre cable up Ash Lane and into the village. If all goes to plan, Openreach expect the cabinet in Ash Magna (Whitchurch 21) to go live in July 2018.